Broker Scenario #1
Divorce – Separation of Assets
Problem: Client wishes to take his ex-spouse off title and pay off debts. Ex-spouse wishes to purchase her own property and needs to be removed from title of marital home. Client has not completed personal tax return for 3 years, so banks will not approve.
Graysbrook Capital Solution: Approved with proof of taxes submitted, allowing client to have ex-spouse removed from title.
Broker Benefit:The broker got paid twice in three months, once on the private deal, again on the refinance to bank.
Broker Scenario #2
Renovation of Multi Unit
Problem: Client purchased and gutted a 4 unit building with his own funds. Building needs structural repairs client needs a mortgage to complete renovation. Bank would not approve deal.
Graysbrook Capital Solution: The deal was approved with the client to provide engineer inspection report to confirm the structural issues were repaired.
Broker Benefit: Broker builds client rapport, as well as earning fee on private and bank deals.